4 Important Things to do Before and After Closing Your Home


The excitement is mounting as you anxiously await the keys to your new home, but the story isn't over just yet. When you walk away from the closing table, you will have a list of items that need addressing, some of which you'll have already begun working on before this day.  For an ideal transition into your new house, you will want to start working on a few tasks before the closing.  Thinking ahead is the way to go!

Here are four tips to consider during the closing process and immediately following possession of the home:

  1. Change the locks! Scheduling lock changes will be something you can arrange before the closing.  It's impossible to know who may have had keys to your home and you will sleep better at night knowing you are the only one with access to your house!
  2. Set up the utilities. Again, this is something you can research prior to the closing.  Every utility company has different policies, and you'll want to become familiar with these rules before moving in.  Some companies have grace periods (time between when the seller cancels service, and the new owner takes possession).  BUT, not all utility providers offer this, so you'll want to verify before closing how you'll need to progress once the home is officially yours.  Once you have the keys to your new home, let your first call be to the utility company letting them know you are ready for service.
  3. Clean house! Before having the movers show up on your doorstep as you are turning the key for the first time to your new home, make sure the house is clean.  Even if it appeared clean and well-kept when you viewed during a showing, the reality is you never know what people will leave behind after they move, and cleaning may not be a priority for them.  Whether you choose to clean the home yourself or hire the work done, have a plan in place. If hiring others, call the cleaning crew as soon as you know the closing date to get your house on their calendar for same day cleaning.  If you've ever tried to clean a space that others are trying to move into at the same time, you know how hectic this can be.  Instead of adding stress to what should be a joyous occasion, pre-plan!
  4. Request a list of local contractors. Established realtors will have working relationships with handymen, contractors, and designers.  Rarely will a buyer move into an existing home that is indeed in "move-in" condition.  Spending a few hundred dollars may feel like a luxury, but it's an expense you can budget for throughout the closing process that could potentially save you time, stress, and sanity.

Taking the extra time to plan will save you time, money, and a lot of unnecessary stress!